Baby monitor: know which one to choose

Once we are clear about the types of intercoms for babies that we can find in the market, it is inevitable that doubts arise about what should we look at when buying our.

The previous experience of other parents can help us a lot, but we must always keep in mind that our needs will not always be the same nor that the experience of others can serve us.

So nothing better than simple but clear indications to know what baby monitor to buy for us.

Aspects to consider about the type of transmission

As we have already indicated, in the market, although the new intercoms They are already of DECT type, we can still find analog models. In them it is especially interesting to review the number of transmission channels they have and their scope.

If we have a fairly large or multi-storey house, it is vital that the scope of our model cover more than the distance between rooms, and for this we must bear in mind that the distance that the manufacturer usually indicates is in a straight line and without obstacles, so if necessary, we choose the one that has the greatest reach . If we live in an apartment of a few square meters there will be other aspects to look at.

Over the broadcast channels available, the more we have in our model, the more likely it is that we will avoid interference from other home equipment such as the WiFi network or even other neighborhood baby monitors. If the transmission channels are encrypted, many better because the risk of interference is reduced or we increase privacy.

The battery clamping and use system

Although surely you have already thought about it, it will not be the first time that some parents go to a store to buy a baby monitor and when they arrive home they have ignored the intercom hitch system.

We should look for a model that is wireless to prevent the installation of cables around the house, and also be easy to install in the crib or a window. There are models that come with a fairly strict anchor system on where to place it and others with more flexible systems that will be ideal. They even hide like toys. If the one we buy can only be placed on a flat surface, little use will be given.

It is also important to know the power we can use for the baby monitor, both in the transmitter and in the receiver. Currently the vast majority can work with normal power (connected to the mains) and also with batteries. That would be the ideal situation.

Very related to the way of feeding is the warning light on and off. If we can, we must choose a model in which a light can clearly and clearly indicate that the intercom is in operation so as not to be continuously checking it.

A special type of baby monitor are those that allow that with a single receiver, several transmitting cameras can be used, for example, when there are several rooms that we want to have controlled or accessible remotely. If we think that later we could have to use several baby monitors at home at the same time, we must make sure that ours will allow us to add only transmitters and receive all the sound and video of them in a single receiver.

Precisely that receiver must incorporate some help to have it well seated on a table.

From the most basic to the most complex

In the first classification of baby monitors we talked about those who transmit only voice or videos. That is a very general separation, since within each of these categories we can find models with many more options.

Of the most interesting we highlight the one that allows us to the intercom is not active all the time (some brands call them Scan). Thus, there are models that are activated by voice, movement or because we indicate it. Its operation is very useful because it will be silent until the system detects a movement or sound and then it will start broadcasting what happens in the room.

Related to this option we can find models that allow us to regulate the intercom's working threshold, and even indicate that it warns us with an alarm that something happens in the room that we are controlling in case our sleep is very deep.

There are also unidirectional models that only allow listening to what happens in the transmitter, compared to the most complete models with which we can even talk to the baby or child.

The accessories that accompany the baby monitors, integrated or as extras, it is very valuable to take them into account. For example, being able to activate a light remotely or that incorporates a quitamiedos Programmable can make us have to buy a less accessory for the room. There are models even with integrated projector.

Baby monitor with video mode

If we have opted for a model of baby monitor with video, almost certainly it will be a model with infrared system that allows us to see in the dark. If the receiver's screen is not high quality, we will hardly appreciate noise on a black background, so we must ensure that it is large enough and of quality.

In these models with video it is interesting that we can receive that signal on the TV or that the screen is activated only when there is movement and thus save battery.

We almost have it. Next day we will begin to recommend you basic baby monitors.

Video: How to Choose the Best Baby Monitor - Babylist (July 2024).