Video baby monitor with extra functions

After reviewing the best audio baby monitors and video ones, it is now time to propose a couple of models that, based on the operation of the previous ones, add something special.

These baby monitor expand functionalities or look at something that creates as much anxiety as the Syndrome of sudden infant death.

The kind of Angel care What we propose to you includes a platform that is placed under the baby and that records the movements of the baby during his sleep. If the system detects that in a period of 20 seconds there are no movements that indicate that the baby is breathing, it would activate the alarm in the parents' receiver.

This Angel Care solution can reassure some parents but surely it creates more anxiety in so many others. For the rest, it is a sound-only intercom, with recording of the room temperature, operation with batteries or with power and vibration mode for the parents' receiver.

The price of this AC401 model is 150 euros.

Much more relaxing is the model of Fisher-Price with which, when the baby makes any noise, in addition to notifying the parent's receiver, the intercom automatically responds with image projection or music broadcast.

This baby intercom does not incorporate video either and costs 75 euros.

Video: Motorola 5 Inch Portable Video Baby Monitor With Two Cameras Review (July 2024).