Is there an excess of psychiatric labels for children?

I confess, this video produced by the CCHR organization, which aims to raise awareness about the dangers of psychiatric medication and the overdiagnosis of mental disorders, has moved me. Claim stop using psychiatric labels with children to catalog their behavior.

Precisely after having published two articles on children who, perhaps today, would have been labeled as one with attention deficit and as a narcissist with opposition disorder, and perhaps medicated to tame them and make them more easily fit into the system, watch this video today It has impacted me.

Edison was a child who did not attend class, was bored, did not focus on the tasks, was unbearable. César was a teenager who did not fit what was expected of a boy his age and life was played if necessary facing those who could take it off to defend their values.

Without denying the need for help for some children, I think we should be very careful with diagnoses and labels. The freedom to grow, to develop, to explore, to feel, to expand and be children without being required to learn in silence and all the same, what they mark, is part of the values ​​that we should strive to defend.

Not all children are the same nor can we demand the same for everyone. We do not know if its value is precisely to be different and to approach problems in a different way. With love, with respect, with empathy, with spaces and areas in which to allow them to express themselves and expand, everything would be much simpler. Do you think that there is an excess of psychiatric labels for children How does the video we have seen exemplify?

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Video: Risperdal (July 2024).