Breastfeeding in public?

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is the best food for a baby, but Not everyone agrees to have to see mothers breastfeeding their babies.

As it shows to caricaturize a little what I comment I bring you these two vignettes in which we can see a shirtless gentleman, smoking a cigar and showing his half-naked body mentally criticizing a woman who breastfeeds her baby on a bench and a cow breastfeeding your baby covered, so that nobody bothers, that says something like:Even when you breastfeed discreetly, there are those who raise their eyebrows and look disapprovingly at those who dare to feed in public“.

Personally I have the feeling that less and less happens, but unfortunately there are still cases of women who report rejection and the aforementioned looks of disapproval from other people. Without going any further, an acquaintance of mine explained how bad it had been for him to have someone tell him to breastfeed his daughter in private and not in public, having felt twice as bad for being a woman (“what hurt me most was that it was a woman who told me ”).

I understand your anger and frustration, but critics don't know about sexes. Myself, doing a survey a couple of years ago related to breastfeeding, I received from a young girl an “oh, yes, like one I saw the other day breastfeeding on the bus. There, in front of everyone… ”

People have the right to bother

Breastfeeding a child is a natural thing and is basically attending to their basic needs and requirements, which, as we all know we are parents, cannot wait. However, when this happens on the street or in a public place, there are people who get upset or feel uncomfortable. Given this there is not much to say, since people have every right to bother. Now, to what no right is to interfere, to make derogatory comments and to suggest or request that the mother change her place or cover herself.

It is impossible to act in a way that everyone is happy (I don't talk about breastfeeding anymore, but about life in general), so whatever you do there will always be someone upset. In a situation such that a baby demands food, even in public, the priority is him. In other words, between breastfeeding in public at the risk of someone bothering and looking for a hidden area or an isolated corner while the child cries of hunger, I vote for the first option, because for me The priority is the baby and not what they will say.

And does breastfeeding cover them?

Breastfeeding, like every human act, generates a specific market with more or less expendable items, among which are the so-called breastfeeding. They are something like a kind of apron in which the baby is placed to breastfeed without being seen. There are moms who do not buy them and who use blankets or similar for the same purpose.

I don't think it's a bad option if a mother doesn't feel comfortable breastfeeding in public and prefers to hide the act of breastfeeding a little. Now, when the goal is to try not to disturb, the concept changes and, in my view, If I were a nursing mother I would not use it.

Breastfeeding is normal and natural and no one should hide from it (unless, as I say, the mother prefers privacy). In fact, one of the reasons that many mothers do not know how to breastfeed is that they have never (or rarely) seen mothers breastfeeding.

What do you think?

Well that, Do you see that mothers breastfeed in public?

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In Babies and more | The world will improve when you stop comparing eating with crap, A little humor: breastfeeding in public, 12,000 women are arrested every year in the US for breastfeeding in public

Video: We Tried Breastfeeding In Public Ladylike (July 2024).