Riding an exercise bike during pregnancy

If you are expecting a baby and want to keep fit, you probably wonder if an increasingly widespread and demanded exercise is recommended, riding an exercise bike during pregnancy.

A few days ago we saw the recommendations about cycling during pregnancy, pointing out that this type of physical exercise would be advisable until the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy, when the belly becomes more bulky and could unbalance us. But this inconvenience would disappear when riding an exercise bike.

On a fixed bicycle there is no risk of falling, but we would have to take into account other considerations. For example, it is usual for the bicycle to be in a closed place, so ventilation may be poor and encourage the body temperature to increase excessively or make dehydration easier.

If we ride an outdoor bike, our own speed will make us ventilate, since sweat performs its function in contact with the air to regulate body temperature, but this is more difficult with an exercise bike.

Therefore, we must ensure adequate ventilation (direct currents of cold air such as air conditioning are not recommended) and wear light cotton clothes that allow perspiration.

One of the advantages of the exercise bike, next to what we have commented at the beginning, is that we can regulate the resistance we want, the level of difficulty, without facing unwanted potholes or slopes. And, thinking last quarter, when visits to the bathroom become so frequent, we also have an easier time stopping pedaling and going to the toilet.

Finally, we have to refer to spinning, a type of exercise on the bicycle that would not be recommended during pregnancy by the sudden changes of pace and the great physical effort that entails. And it is that we remember that one of the premises of an adequate physical exercise is that you should avoid the effort at high intensities as well as the sharp increases in the amount of exercise.

Definitely, riding an exercise bike during pregnancy It is a recommended physical activity throughout pregnancy, at a moderate pace, unless there is a risk or that our doctor, whom we should consult before exercising, advises against it for another reason.

Video: Stationary Bike Set Up for Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises (July 2024).