Free days on Fragile X Syndrome

La Salle University Center in collaboration with the X Fragile Syndrome Association of Madrid organized, on Friday May 6, 2011, the II Conference on Fragile X Syndrome, an inherited pathology in which Spain may have about 10,000 affected and about 100,000 carriers of the fragile X chromosome.

He X fragile syndrome It consists of an X chromosome mutation that can lead to learning problems in both men and women. The degree of intellectual involvement varies from minimal learning problems with normal IQ to deep mental retardation.

In addition to the intellectual defect, Fragile X Syndrome is accompanied by a series of physical and behavioral characteristics, along with language delay.

Population incidence figures make Fragile X Syndrome the first inherited cause of mental retardation and the second frequency chromosopathy (after Down Syndrome).

This free day on fragile X syndrome It is an ideal occasion for those families who have someone with this syndrome to know first-hand the experience of different professionals, as well as meet affected people and other families who will tell their experiences in the first person.

Video: Fragile X Syndrome (July 2024).