"En Proyecto", a magazine about homeschooling made by children homeschoolers

I'm proud to show you this new post, "En Proyecto", a digital magazine made by children who are educated at home and that is about homeschooling. I think it gives us an excellent vision of the interests, ability to work in teams and excellent educational level of these children, which can help us understand and better accept this way of educating.

One of the biggest doubts of parents who consider homeschooling or of people who approach this educational option is whether these children will really achieve, without an in-person school, a good educational level. Another fear is whether they will learn to work as a team and interact normally with other children their age.

The magazine of homeschoolers "In Project" He gives a practical answer to these questions, demonstrating that the answer is affirmative, they are active, informed boys, with cultural concerns and with a good training that relate to each other and are capable of creating works like this, of great quality.

I think it can help our readers to get very close to homeschooling in Spain, which we have already tried in Babies and more.

The "In Project" editors are several children between 6 and 16 years old They are educated at home. Homeschoolers that show the world what they do with homeschooling. They have collaborated with each other, contributing their ideas and their works, showing their thoughts and experiences, as well as their "school" works, covering topics such as leisure, education, history and science.

Among the sections, I would like to highlight an excellent interview with Azucena Caballero, homeschooler mother and vice president of Epysteme, an association that gives educational support to homeschoolers families and to which these children belong.

Also, I can't stop doing it, I tell you that I love design and layout, which my ten-year-old son has done, in graphic and computer design class with his teacher, designer Monica Roberts, although, really, All the collaborations I think are extraordinary and I feel proud of all the children who have participated.

I leave you here "En Proyecto", a magazine about homeschooling made by homeschoolers and I encourage you to see what these children know how to do and to know them a little better as they want to show themselves: educated, trained, fun, sociable and integrated in the world.

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).