Severe childhood traumas could shorten life

Today I bring you an interesting scientific study conducted by researchers from the University of California and the San Francisco Medical Center, in the United States. They claim that people with posttraumatic stress disorder related in addition to childhood traumas age faster and are biologically predisposed to have a shorter life.

The work has been published in the journal "Biological Psychiatry" and is based on the analysis of about 100 patients affected by posttraumatic stress, concluding that those who had suffered childhood trauma had biological markers, telomeres, which predisposed them to increased risks of mutation and cell damage related to diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, autoimmune or neurodegenerative diseases, as well as premature death.

The DNA of 43 adults with PTSD and 47 healthy participants was analyzed. The surprising thing is that, once the history of the sick patients was investigated, it was discovered that those who had suffered severe childhood traumaAs negligence, family violence, physical abuse and sexual abuse, they had the shortest telomeres, but those with post-traumatic stress but without childhood trauma had the telomeres similar to those of healthy subjects.

The conclusion is that possibly post-traumatic stress disorder has cumulative influence on telomere length, recommending that further investigations deepen in relation to telomere length in patients with and without childhood trauma and with and without adult post-traumatic stress disorder, to be able to determine the relationship with greater certainty.

If this work is right in its conclusions and subsequent investigations confirm it, it could be said that Childhood traumas shorten life and decrease the strength of our cells, being able to predispose to serious diseases and die sooner.

Via | Biological Psyquiatry In Babies and more | Chronic fatigue is related to childhood trauma. Traumas in pregnancy have an impact on the mental health of the child.

Video: How Childhood Trauma Can Make You A Sick Adult (July 2024).