Babies should wear sunglasses

Parents care a lot about protecting the skin of the little ones with sun creams, but we don't usually give the same importance to protecting their eyes in summer. The eyes of the babies they are more sensitive than those of adults to ultraviolet radiation, therefore they must wear sunglasses to prevent future eye problems.

The eye is a damage difficult to measure. The lens of babies, which acts as a filter, has not yet fully developed and, before the first year of life, lets 90 percent of the UVA radiation and 50 percent of the UVB pass, reaching the retina, which can cause short and long term damage.

Hence the importance of protecting the baby's eyes with sunglasses and even with a hat or cap with a front visor that covers the area of ​​the forehead and eyes. When choosing appropriate glasses we have to follow some tips to buy children's sunglasses in terms of frames, materials and support.

Very few know the harmful effects of sun rays on the eyes of children. They can cause sunburn, acute alterations of the cornea, degenerative lesions and acute burns in the retina, as well as more severe pathologies such as cataracts, which is the leading cause of reversible blindness, and age-related macular degeneration.

Even with sunglasses, it should be noted that children should never look directly at the sun and avoid, as far as possible, exposure between noon and four in the afternoon, while babies should not be exposed directly to the sun.

Video: Make Sure the Kids Wear Sunglasses! (July 2024).