Folic acid, omega 3 and omega 6 in pregnancy for better cognitive development of the baby

A study has just been known that once again highlights the importance of adequate nutrition in pregnancy. The way in which the pregnant woman is fed will inevitably affect the baby's health throughout her life.

The study carried out at European level for ten years and coordinated from the University of Granada corroborates that good nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and lactation favors optimal psychomotor and cognitive development of her children.

The research was conducted with more than 300 women. Half were given supplements of folic acid, omega 3 and omega 6 in pregnancy from the 20th week of gestation and then the children were followed from birth until they turned 9 years old.

Children of mothers with better nutritional levels of omega 6 they had better visual acuity and maturation of the retina at 4 years. At average levels of Omega 3, children were in the highest intelligence percentiles at 6 and a half years, while in terms of folic acid, noted that it influences the speed of problem solving at 8 years.

Beyond influencing the speed to solve problems, folic acid is an indispensable help during pregnancy. It prevents serious neural tube defects such as spina bifida or anencephaly, among other congenital defects.

The recommendation is to take folic acid from three months before gestation and continue until at least three months later, although in some cases it is advised to do so throughout the pregnancy. There are supplements but you can also get this vitamin through foods such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, legumes, whole grains, nuts and liver.

Omega 3, on the other hand, is present mainly in fatty fish, but there are also alternatives to fish to take omega 3 such as enriched dairy, flax seeds, nuts, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Due to the high concentration of mercury of most fatty fish known as blue fish such as bluefin tuna, emperor, swordfish, etc., it is not recommended to consume more than two weekly portions of these fish during pregnancy. However, there are other fish that can be eaten during pregnancy such as albacore, salmon, sardines, etc.

As for Omega 6, it is a type of acid found in some foods such as nuts, cereals, whole wheat bread and most vegetable oils.

Video: Baby's Brain Development - Foods to Eat During Pregnancy to Make Intelligent Baby (July 2024).