Great mothers: Luz Bres

Today I received amazing news that tells us about a mother's struggle to have a vaginal birth even though the hospital had scheduled caesarean section. And I have decided to include it in our review at great mothers, because to be part of them it is not necessary to have gone down in history, but to have fought for the rights of our children.

This is the case of Bres light, an Argentine woman who had already been a mother twice, both in deliveries with caesarean section. She was convinced of the possibility of vaginally leaving her third child and fought before the courts so that her right was respected and not forced to receive a scheduled C-section.

Today the example of great mothers It will not be a historical character, but a normal woman, but that has become for me an example of courage and determination in the defense of a respected birth.

The doctor she expected to see her at Mar del Plata Public Hospital and who was in favor of natural childbirth was not available and then began her nightmare. They wanted to force her to accept an intervention that she considered unnecessary. After months of fighting he managed to give birth vaginally in another center, but but not before being denounced and having to go to trial.

The hospital where she was initially treated was of the opinion that, after two C-sections, the only possibility was to schedule a third intervention, not considering the possibility of trying a vaginal delivery, as if it is done in other more advanced centers in natural birth care.

The mother decided to face the mandatory prescription of caesarean section and was denounced for it, accusing her doctors of putting her son at risk. Fortunately, he found professionals who proved him right and, in addition, he dared to fight for his rights, without giving in to fear and pressure.

She, then, sought other medical opinions that if they argued that this can be done and, when she was denounced by the hospital, she went to trial, getting that, even if the caesarean section was authorized, if she were considered he had the right to choose the way to give birth and a doctor who would respect her to try.

He vaginal delivery happened without complications in another center, having, yes, that going to a private hospital, and it was not necessary to perform the intervention, which, as the mother affirms, is a life-saving operation and would not have been inconvenient in doing so if it were really necessary, but I was not willing to apply a protocol that prevented the possibility of trying.

Congratulations Luz. You are a great woman and a mother who knows how to fight for her children and your rights

Video: Cybill Shepherd. Change from childhood to 2019 (July 2024).