An ESA application for Apple devices

The version of the ESA (European space agency) application for mobile devices. It includes two very attractive new features: ESA live and video search. The video search option allows you to search the complete archive of ESA material. The option of watching the programs live allows access, for example, to the launching of spacecraft, the links between them, the press conferences of those responsible and other important events. We have just installed the application and we still have to take advantage of it, yet we have loved what we have seen.

I think that ESA's effort to share information is very important to achieve develop hobbies among our children and instill in them the passion for astronomy and for helping them to ask the questions of who we are, where we come from and where we are going. The contents of scientific dissemination are already difficult to watch on television although we still have Internet to access videos, images and texts that explain the things that happen beyond our planet. For kids it is an interesting content because it is also written in English, German or French so it allows them to practice languages.

Here I also leave a ESA video, which can be viewed in 3D, in case you want to see it at home with the kids. They are static images mainly although they look great with glasses. And they have to use the optics of the two colors, blue and red, to access the three-dimensional effect.

The glasses that can be seen below are the ones that we got at home a long time ago with an ESA promotion in its periodic publication on paper and that I try to keep carefully to enjoy these wonders.

Video: ESA Application for iPhone and iPad (July 2024).