Mood swings in pregnancy

One of the worst feelings I remember from my pregnancies, and probably those around me, are mood swings in pregnancy, and that I can say I was lucky because they didn't happen constantly.

But looking back, cries and annoyance come to mind for reasons that I now consider trifles, worries and low moods for issues that would not affect me so much now. At the time, phases of euphoria, intense activity, or on the contrary of emotional downturn, sadness and inactivity may appear.

The hormones are responsible for the sudden changes in mood during pregnancy: progesterone and estrogen levels double, which exceeds the emotional part.

Although it is not easy, we can try control those emotional changes during pregnancy, recording in a list the moments or situations that cause us discomfort and try not to repeat themselves, modify those habits or talk with the people involved to seek their support and understanding.

And it is that sudden mood swings may be due to many indirect reasons, from poor digestion to poor rest. The direct causes can be a thousand and one, from a setback when making the purchase (there is not our favorite brand) to a disagreement of opinions at work, in the couple ...

Precisely the couple and the people who live or work with the pregnant woman should be aware and understanding with their mood swings. The link with the people around us is important, and if there are couple problems, they can be aggravated by this situation of character changes.

Perform tasks that entertain us (crafts, readings, movies, music ...), make way for our creativity, practice physical activity, find a pleasant leisure, contact with other pregnant women, with friends ... can help women feel good about themselves, reduce stress and The moments of sadness. Let's consult the list we have written to review the moments that generate anxiety and try to eliminate them.

Of course, we do not forget about rest and relaxation, so necessary especially at the end of pregnancy. Do not confuse relaxation and rest with inactivity. Precisely relaxation will be better enjoyed if we have done our daily exercises before.

Before falling into tears (which is not bad if it arises from time to time, usually after crying we feel better), let's breathe, let's go away alone and try to control the situation thinking if the situation is really so serious or worrisome.

These tips will not only help keep smoke changes at bay during pregnancy and achieve better emotional health for women but also contribute to the well-being and healthy development of the future baby.

Video: Ask the Obstetrician: Pregnancy and Mood (July 2024).