Professions to work from home when you have children

By the time you have a child, the state plans a “wonderful” maternity leave of 16 weeks, a bad call of 4 months (because they do not reach 4 months), after which every mother must return to work.

Before having the baby those 16 weeks seem like a long time, however, when they pass, mothers and fathers suffer a big slap of reality which shows them that babies are still very babies, despite being about to turn 4 months old, and that you have to go back to work.

Faced with this situation, there are many mothers (and few fathers) who choose to extend the leave as much as they can, pulling holidays, vacations and even leave of absence and many who, as time passes, end up looking for ways to return to work without having to leave the child with other people, that is, they end up looking professions to work from home.

There is not too much job offer from home

That's when the second slap usually comes: there are hardly any job offers at home, first because, although it is a work model that is expanding (more and more companies join this model) it is still used little (in Spain only 8% of employees work from home, compared to 17% of countries Nordic) and second because the economy is as it is and unemployment rates are very high.

However, in times of crisis like now it is possible that this type of work is increasing because it represents a great saving for companies (it does not need to give you a space in which to perform your work, they do not spend light, nor telephone, nor do they have to clean your workplace, or give you a uniform, for example) and it is therefore possible to find a satisfactory job offer.

Possible jobs for others

Working from home would be to do a job for a company, but without going to the company. They can be works of marketing or telephone support, where you have to answer calls from individuals, related to advertising campaigns, telephone surveys or even technical consultations if we are trained to be part of the technical service of any company.

Can also be administrative work, in which to answer the telephone, receive and send fax, emails or similar if you work as a telesecretary, there are accounting jobs to keep customer accounts from home, management services to carry paperwork from any company (payroll, documents Social Security, high and low in the company, etc.) and even maintenance and assistance services, to answer customer calls in case of needing repairs, cranes, mechanics, masons, plumbers, etc.

Possible self-employment

In case of not wanting to work for a company, each one must decide where to throw. There may be work related to the design and graphic arts, layout books and magazines, designing brochures, posters and other things for advertising campaigns, creating internet advertising, designing press ads, making logos, etc.

Related to the Internet, web pages can be designed, documentation work (search for information on the internet, compare products, collect news, analyze productive sectors, observe the competition, etc.) and can also work as a translator, receiving documents from an editorial or company and translating them at home. If you have computer skills they can be used to develop applications, programs or games.

There may also be such works related to the journalism or documentation, writing articles or publications for publishers, preparing documents according to customer needs, organizing files or documents, preparing reports, etc.

Other jobs in which there is no computer in between would be those that could be done from home, delivering the work done to the company concerned: sewing, ironing clothes, advertising envelopes, making earrings, necklaces, decorating shirts or even throwing to the adventure setting up an online store (the key will be to find something interesting to sell).

Why there should be more distance work

As we have said, there are not many people who can say today that they are working from home, but There are several reasons why there should be more distance work.

To give some examples, there is the possibility of reconciling family and work life in a real way (you are with your child, not what they call conciliation, which is to leave your baby in a nursery), the workers are happier and less stressed, do not waste time moving to the workplace, schedules are more flexible and companies save on electricity, business vehicles, telephone or diets, in addition to not needing a physical place where workers perform their work.

However, not all benefits

In spite of everything, jobs can be more precarious, you work alone, without direct contact with co-workers or bosses (although this could also be in the advantages section), it is more complicated to work as a team and it is considered that in some moments there may be family interferences for the good development of the work (perhaps there are times when the couple or the children can slow down the work, depending on which one).


To finish I just wish you luck if you see yourself in these lides of looking for work from home. Few lucky people can do it, but who knows, maybe you will find that opportunity you were looking for. Life goes around a lot and whoever seeks, finds (they say).