Liberi, the school of my dreams

Surely many of our readers are looking for school for their children and have wondered if there is the school they dream for them, a place where their natural processes and emotions are respected. I have found The school of my dreams, Liberi. And I must say that I have surrendered in love. A place like that I would have liked for my son as a student and for me as a teacher.

The Liberi school It is located in Premiá de Mar, in Barcelona. It is defined as a free school where the protagonist is the child who grows and learns accompanied by educators and who is always, always, open to families.

The philosophy of the Liberi school It allows children to live together without an authoritarian hierarchy and encourages them to learn in a meaningful and interconnected way, respecting their processes and interests.

In addition, their way of dealing with conflicts and limits is not authoritarian, but collaborative and respectful of the child. Even mealtime has been thought taking into account the needs of children, who are offered healthy and uncooked foods that can be taken at any time and sit at any time to eat what they bring from their homes if they wish.

There are spaces dedicated to Mathematics, Geography, History, the Universe, Music, Art and Theater, as well as an orchard-garden, all focused on active learning with materials of all kinds.

I must emphasize that this school is always open to families, because they know that children feel happier and safer if they are not forced to separate from their parents, so they are allowed to come and be present.

Liberi is the extension of our homes, where adults and children can live together without questioning and without authoritarian hierarchies.

Liberi is the school of my dreams and I tell you one thing, I'm going to study Catalan seriously to offer myself to work with them someday if they accept me in their team.

Video: Flavour - Live In Liberia Dreams Come True Part Two (July 2024).