Prepare the healthiest snacks and snacks for your children

We propose to prepare healthy and summer snacks and snacks For your children, That way, when they want to snack something, it will be a nutritious and full of flavor food what you are going to give them.

In summer we all feel like having a snack when we are resting or returning from the beach. And of course, children are tempted by unhealthy industrial snacks, full of fats, salt and additives; That is why it is convenient to have planned alternatives such as these snacks and healthy appetizers that we propose.

Always, always, raw nuts, the best snack in the world

Nuts: It is the simplest snack in the world and super nutritious, loaded with minerals, energy and healthy fats. A plate with nuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts or pistachios, always better in raw and without salt, and you do not have to worry if snacks take away your hunger, because they are feeding them as much as the main meal.

Do not miss the nuts in the pantry. But attention, you have to respect the age of introduction (at least two years) and prepare them so that choking is avoided.


Small skewers

Our favorite snack are the little skewers, well seasoned and balanced. It is not about making a snack, but a lid that is eaten in four bites. And it is important that we can leave it prepared in the refrigerator and take it at any time.

Key: that they are tasty, that they do not spoil if they are not eaten at the moment and that they can be taken cold. And something to keep in mind: try to make them beautiful to watch, you want a prepared food more visually attractive.

We propose some small skewers which are usually very successful and can be prepared to take them at any time.

As the goal is not that they are complete meals, but a healthy and summery snack or snack, our advice is to do better with slices of bread rather than assembled, so that they fill less. Arriving from the beach or playing and being offered a good glass of cold water and a pinchito like these is irresistible.

Bread with tomato and ham, is a classic that always has a lot of acceptance. We recommend placing a slice of tomato and a few strips of ham on the slice of bread (I do not propose porridge because for children they are complicated to eat). We can decorate them with a cherry tomato or some chopped cooked egg.

Bread with lettuce and tuna, very summery. So that the bread does not get wet you have to put a little mayonnaise or pink sauce, but little, under the lettuce and take care that it is perfectly dry. Then, put the chopped tuna on top. Garnish with sliced ​​black olives.

Bread with cucumber and hard boiled egg. This skewer is delicious with rye bread. The preparation is simple: on a thin layer of cucumber slice mayonnaise, a slice of hard-boiled egg and a little sweet pepper to crown the invention.

Appetizers with vegetable base

Endive with turkey and olive. This skewer is delicious but not all children will like its bitterness. Everything is to invite them to taste it. We put an olive of homemade green olives on an endive leaf and garnish with turkey cold cuts. To make the olive, just open a can of boneless green olives and beat it with a little virgin olive oil.

Fried eggplants with honey. Another delicious classic that never goes out of style. The key, soak the eggplants once breaded so that they are not greasy and put the honey before serving. It's amazing how rich they are.

Tomato boats with cheese and york. I advise you to use pear tomatoes for this appetizer so fresh and simple because they release less water. Cut in half, lengthwise, we will put a slice of york and cheese dice (of burgos or feta) on top. Then, sprinkle oregano. I assure you that it will become an indispensable for snacks or snacks.

Potatoes chips without oil. Chips chips make kids crazy but the ones we buy have a lot of fat and additives. We can do them at home and even without using oil, so there is much more free. The potatoes are cut into very thin slices and soaked for a few minutes. Then they are taken out and dried, putting on the oven rack and putting them in the hot oven about ten minutes. We can simply salt them or season them with garlic salt, onion powder or a little paprika, as we like them.

Crudités with sauces

The cruditésThat is, raw vegetables do not always have good acceptance among children. I think it is key to present them as something appetizing and well accompanied so that they can enjoy them.

Carrot sticks with hummus. For me it is a basic. The carrot, sweet, combines perfectly with the most dense and tasty hummus. In addition, the color contrast is very beautiful. To make a quick hummus just open a pot of cooked chickpeas and beat them with a little paprika, oil and cumin to taste.

Cucumber sticks with tzatziki. I would almost tell you that the ideal is to put this snack at the same time as the previous one, to mark the contrast of flavors and colors. The first tastiest, this with the refreshing counterpoint. Tzaiki is a sauce based on chopped cucumber and Greek yogurt, which also puts raw garlic (but not everyone feels good and is rich without it too).

Lettuce leaves with salmorejo. You have to choose the leaves of the center of the lettuce or a bud and arrange it in loose leaves or cut lengthwise, presenting it with a very dense and tasty salmorejo to wet them. Simple and fresh, but delicious and tasty as few dishes. If we put some chopped hard-boiled egg or some ham in strips, we don't even tell you.

Melon with Salmon. I finish with a liquid snack, which, although a little different, offers a delicate contrast. The key, in this case, is not to put a bowl, but a mocha cup. It will take a melon smoothie garnished with strips of smoked salmon or trout, which is also saladita and rich. If you do not like the liquid we can always put some melon dice with a strip of salmon on top. So much. And we can both leave them prepared in advance.

Our proposal is this: have these prepared healthy and summer snacks and snacks in the fridge so you can offer them to children when they ask for something to snack on We have tried to choose them easily prepared, colorful, tasty and nutritious, because precisely a snack should also provide us with necessary food, not just empty calories and salt.

Video: Healthy snacks that are to be prepared during holidays for your kids (May 2024).