Pedro Duque answers the questions of astronomy fans at ESA

Through the Twitter account of the European Space Agency, @ESA_es, questions could be asked of the Spanish astronaut of ESA Pedro Duque. I took the opportunity to ask a question that the Agency had the generosity to convey. The question was: what does Pedro Duque think about the use of technology in the classroom and at what age can you start using it in class #askPedro

And the answer was as follows:

It was not the only education that could be read at the time of questions and answers in which Pedro Duque participated very generously. He was also asked: What to study and how to prepare to go to space? I want to go! #askPedro and Pedro Duque replied:

#askPedro Study ... a lot and what you like, that is of science and / or technology. And at the same time play, sport, do things outside, live together ...

He was also asked about what the academic requirement is to become an astronaut: Can you make a career as an astronaut coming from life sciences, such as biology or medicine? #askpedro And his answer was:

#askpedro We are looking for people from science or technology, and we have some doctors, biologists, a veterinarian, geologists ... but there are more engineers

There were many more questions and answers based on the experience of Pedro Duque in space and on the desires of humans to go further, explain their reality and understand what happens in nature.

We thank ESA for the initiative and Pedro Duque for the generosity in all responses. It would be a pleasure to comment with Pedro on the blog of Peques and Plus many more questions to facilitate the dissemination of Astronomy in general and the activities of the ESA among the children and their parents.