Education in Spain has to make it easier for children to learn a lot of mathematics and to think for themselves

In the recommended blog of Nada es Gratis, it is mentioned, in a context of statistics analysis, review of results and predictions of the American elections, what should be an objective to achieve in the learning of our children: learn math.

And we also have to add to this desire that children need to learn more creatively, more rigorously, with scientific and rational method, and teaching mathematics as a fundamental tool to understand the world in which we live. Luis Garicano, who writes the article, explains that education fails because it bets on a memorial model. It seems to me that learning mathematics using memory is, if not impossible, an absolute waste of time.

Also in Nada es Gratis they indicate that one of the objectives of the Spanish schools, which sadly is not met, is that many mathematics are taught correctly and also to write in Spanish with conviction and reasoning ability. In addition, he also asks to speak English correctly. Meanwhile in Spain many times it seems that we get lost in sterile debates while, and this is a fact, in other areas of the world children are consciously preparing to take advantage of the opportunities offered by globality and the progressive distribution of wealth in the world. .

The article is full of comments and among them some that mention how we can help parents at home with adequate information so that children have more references than school. Among them is the blog of Victoria Hart, in English, full of videos and mathematical curiosities with a beautiful design and atmosphere.

I also take the opportunity to make a little publicity of the contents published in Peques and Más and that over time, become a great bibliography of references of initiatives to evaluate, analyze and deepen more if necessary. For example, you can see a lot of content of this fantastic subject through the Mathematics label. I remember, for example, this interview full of passion of Rafael Ortega de la Cruz that explains, in a very conscious and practical way, what happens with the learning of mathematics in Spain.

And I also recommend, a year later, this article of The subjects that would definitely allow to have a better high school according to Martín Varsavsky because it is still perfectly valid and I am afraid that it will be for a long time.

Video: What makes a good teacher great? Azul Terronez. TEDxSantoDomingo (July 2024).