Pagan Christmas with children: Undefeated Sun

Tomorrow we can celebrate a very special party, the predecessor of Christmas and a true pagan Nativity: the Undefeated Sun. Every year we make a ceremony and a celebration that day, which has historically had an enormous significance. In the same way we celebrate Samhain when you celebrate Halloween or All Saints.

The children really enjoy the Undefeated Sun party and, if you want, since tomorrow the world will not end, you can do it at home, freely adapting it to your family's taste. We are going to have a children's party taking advantage of this date.

In ours Pagan Christmas With the children we celebrate Undefeated Sun with candles, darkness and light, reflection, farewells and New Year's wishes. With a cheerful celebration meal, games, hugs, gifts and joy. A celebration of Life that is always renewed. I explain later how we do it in my house and how children participate.

The pagan festival of Undefeated Sun

The pagan festival of Undefeated Sun It is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and, therefore, the longest night. It seems that the Sun, the father of all earthly life and on which all living beings depend, was dying, becoming less and less illuminating. But tonight marks his rebirth, his return to life and his renewal.

With the Undefeated Sun (not defeated by the Eternal Night, by death) and Invincible (it will never be defeated, at least as long as we are human beings on Earth, since it has a few billion years left) we can all celebrate the birth of that primal God, Solar and bright.

Not surprisingly, Christmas, as the Pope has explained recently in a book, did not happen on these dates. Even accepting the Gospel account as real, it is logical to think that the shepherds would not spend the night in the open air in winter.

The Christmas date was placed as close as possible to this ancestral and pagan festival of the Undefeated Sun, Yule, birth of Horus or Mithras (solar gods also with enough followers in for the first centuries of the Christian Era). Jesus is born near the winter Soltice, as a nascent God, symbolizing and absorbing the meaning of the births of the oldest gods.

The Unbeaten Sun party It began at the Solstice and continued several days until surely the equivalent of our December 25. We make this party at the Solstice, precisely to be able to also make the Christian Christmas party with our family members who prefer it. But what do we know about this party?

What do we know about the Undefeated Sun party?

The Romans, on December 17, began Saturnalia, seven days of celebrations in honor of Saturn in which social schemes were broken, families were reunited and gifts were exchanged. They culminated on 25.

In addition, throughout the Empire, it became official the Undefeated Sun party, corresponding to the extension of the cult to the eastern solar god Mitra, who had many followers especially among the soldiers. During the first two centuries of the Christian Era, the feast and worship of Undefeated Sun It was empowered by emperors who tried to unify a common religion to the Empire, until finally, choose Christianity as an agglutinator of pagan, Gnostic, Orientalist and Christian groups that struggled to offer that common religious feeling that seemed to be necessary at the time.

We do not know much about the concrete feast of the Undefeated Sun, which would include Saturnalia's own celebrations and the salvific significance of the Mithras cult, with sacrifices, baptism and a strong moral component. The greeting and thanks to the Sun that lengthened the days would begin again, we can infer, the morning after the Solstice, culminating on the 25th, when the lengthening of the days becomes evident and was chosen as the birthplace of the solar gods.

My proposal of pagan Christmas with children: Undefeated Sun

As I said we do this Unbeaten Sun party Tomorrow night, with the Solstice. We decorate the house with red flowers and ornaments full of strong colors, and with many orange, yellow and red candles, symbolizing the fall of the Light.

At sunset we light all the candles, so that the whole house is illuminated. It is time to say goodbye to the cycle that ends. Each one will write on a paper the things he is grateful for this year, what he has learned and also what he wants to say goodbye and leave behind in his life. We can help children to express it in words if they cannot write and do it for them because part of the subsequent ceremony involves a paper with these things explained. They will love to do it. In the background, to give the party more excitement, we can play solemn music.

In a cauldron or a casserole then we will burn the papers with the thanks and the things that we leave behind, observing how they are consumed in the fire. It is a very exciting moment in which we will feel like children take our hands and are impressed with the magic of the moment. Of course, attention to their reactions, they are the first and no programming should continue to carry it forward if they feel uncomfortable.

When everything is ready we will go, together, without music, extinguishing the candles until leaving the house in total darkness (if the children are scared, you can leave a small light, which is not going to offend God). A few minutes of silence to reflect, goodbye time and renewal of vows for the next year.

Then we return to play music, uploading it little by little (how about Mahler's first?) And we will light new candles, white now, to symbolize the new light so powerful that it has returned to fill the world with life and strength. Many candles, to make it look like the day has been made.

The person conducting the ceremony should then take the floor to express all the joy that life offers us, the love we share, the help we are going to give each other. The Undefeated Sun Party he speaks of renewal, of plans and desires, of the possibility, even of a personal or general eternal life, for each one according to his beliefs.

It is time to say beautiful things to each other, felt and real, reminding us of the bonds that bind us and the confidence that we can achieve our dreams. We can also make a small gift to the children, something especially that we can share all at the party that begins. For example, a board game or construction that we will do together. Morning. my son Hector and his friend Aurora, my Infant guests to Undefeated SunThey will receive a Pictionary, which will give us a good time with the family when the party ends.

Finally, everyone can write their wishes for the following year and their purposes, since no wish is fulfilled without personal effort and effort. We will keep that paper under the pillow at night, to remember it, and we can keep it all year long. I assure you that my wishes last year in Undefeated Sun They have been fulfilled.

As it is not a matter of making a Taurobolio (killing a bull and baptizing us with his blood) as did the worshipers of Mithras, dinner can be as we wish. Should, if we are not vegetarians, include red or game meats and a blood-colored drink. We, more than spiced wine, will prepare an alcohol-free milk punch with honey, cinnamon, vanilla and red food coloring with which we will provide the Undefeated Sun and the new year.

If you are able to spend the night awake or get up early, in the morning, at dawn, you would have to go to an outdoor place to greet the Undefeated Sun, although to that, I confess, or I commit.

With this I finish my proposal so that tomorrow you can join our celebration of Pagan Christmas with Undefeated Sun and that you can make with the children a simple party but full of good magic, that of beautiful desires.

Video: YULE the greatest Pagan celebration (July 2024).