"My son is the best ... in everything"

You will surely recognize (or recognize yourself in) this type of parents for whom your child is the best at all. We have told you about parents who outshine their children, and extraordinary children despite their parents.

But we also have the opposite case: that of parents who, instead of not perceiving the qualities of children, see too many. And his son becomes the best and earliest, when perhaps he is simply "normal" (with his best and worst things, perhaps some extraordinary). This fun way explains Roald Dahl in his novel "Matilda":

A funny thing happens with mothers and fathers. Although your child is the most disgusting being one can imagine, they think it is wonderful. Some parents go even further. Their worship blinds them and they are convinced that their offspring have qualities of genius. Well, there is nothing wrong with it. People are like that. Only when parents start talking to us about the wonders of their offspring is it when we shout: "Bring me a basin! I'm going to throw up!"

Is about Proud parents who show a delusional love for their children, and you have to read the words of the author in a clearly exaggerated humorous context, because we can be proud parents and do not overcome us in love and not go proclaiming their "virtues."

Although it sounds to us what it tells us, and especially those who do not have children (or ourselves when we did not have them) are much more sensitive to these unwanted compliments and probably exaggerated about children.

What matters is that in the end the author of "Matilda" is benevolent with these parents because indeed they are much worse those who feel no interest in their children. Those parents who ignore their children and for those who are not only the best at all, but are even "the worst".

By the way, as we know that, although not for everything, each child does have some special ability, this week we are asking you, what talent does your child have? We await your answers!

Video: Will Smith Surprises Viral Video Classmates for Their Kindness (July 2024).