What plans do you have with your children this Holy Week? the question of the week

Holidays and holidays are approaching, hopefully the weather improves and in any case you have family plans for one of the next days. That's why today in our question of the week we would like to know:

What plans do you have with your children this Holy Week?

We want to know what your plans are with children for these holidays: if you go on a trip, rural or cultural tourism, hiking, to the movies ... or if you just stay at home trying to rest.

Last week's question

Last week Armando asked you what do you prioritize when choosing a school? and we have obtained varied answers. The most valued has been mypetisa, who told us the following:

Well, on my first day I saw all I could, after among those that I liked because of the educational plan and the project, I chose the one that told me my instinct. That other things was the closest home so that my son had the opportunity to go alone when he is a little older and does not mean a long way to come and go that are many trips. I am lucky and I live in an area with many schools and many of them with plans of the so-called "new generation" so I had it easy. It is a school without books, with assembly within the class, with projects and corners (which are not limited to children also in primary school) without exams, or "homework" and with a lot of participation of parents, ah and public.

For his part warm made an extensive exposition of what prioritize when looking for school: the proximity to the home, that is not a large or massive school, that is of integration, that the educational project gives importance to emotional development, the development of creativity and the promotion of the love of art and sports, that there is no homework or exams, functioning democratically, in which the particularities of each child are respected and where there are no prizes or punishments:

In short, I would like a human school, that tried to train human beings, and not a mass assembly chain of small clones trained identically to accept submissively and without questioning the reality that they will have to live. I don't want a school where discipline and authority are very important, where master class and memory study is the educational method par excellence, and where children are treated in a way very similar to how they are treated in prisons to the prison population. Although the school has a very good "level" and appears in number 1 of the "ranking" of schools in the tests of I do not know what.

The proximity to the home, the good facilities, the reduced ratio, the bilingual classes or that it is a religious school are other characteristics that other parents prioritize when looking for a school for their children.

Of course also there are those who had no opportunity to choose despite having very clear what they were looking for. Things in the education system and the way in which the ascriptions are organized. Politicians have been the center of criticism in some comments.

Our reader Anamare told us the following:

For me it is important that the vehicular language is our mother tongue (valencià), that it is close to home and allows to come to eat (or better yet that it had a continuous day), that it is in a quiet place and has outdoor spaces ( patios, sports courts, classes with natural light ...). For now my children attend the only public center in the town (and that is also where I work) but if I saw myself in the situation of changing cities and choosing a center, what I know is that before taking them to “barracks ”I stay at home, because I think a barracks school is depressing and even unhealthy. Hopefully our politicians will act as "good parents" and leave their spacious and comfortable offices to children and they will occupy the "barracks" of many Valencian schools.

Now we have a new question, remember that we await the answers in the section dedicated to it: this week's question is now available. We await your comments during the next seven days in the Answers section of Babies and more.

In Babies and more Answers | What plans do you have with your children this Holy Week?

Video: ASAP Chillout: BoybandPH shares their Holy Week plans. (July 2024).