What reasons do you need to tickle your children?

Do you know that the verb tickling is in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language? If the answer is yes, you may practice it often ... or you may simply know it casually.

Tickling is 'tickling' and should be a mandatory practice in familiesAlthough pleasant activities are always voluntary, but at least we should be happy to enjoy the faces of our children while we tickle them, and even allow them to make us (this is more difficult because we are so corseted '!). Do you need more concrete reasons to tickle as a family? The most obvious benefit we get parents is Listen to the clean and crystalline laughter of the children, while we check their immense joy upon receiving these very special caresses. Although they are also an excellent way to relieve tensions and facilitate the resolution of some of the conflicts that face us.

I would like to reflect on this that I have just told you, to convey to you that on many occasions, it is the children who are most willing to participate in this activity, even in difficult times. It is we who must be attentive and 'let ourselves go' (usually adults find it harder to let us off)

I don't want to forget about a natural consequence of the usual practice of tickling: a very nice complicity is created among family members, and the physical and emotional approach favors mutual trust.

Not so obvious benefits

It is no news that tickles help move muscles by exercising them, but it turns out that improve the immune system by relieving stress and strengthen the heart. They also stimulate our children's senses, especially touch.

Indirectly, these little hugs that involuntarily become massages, generate self-esteem, and give security, because our children are told that we love them and we do not mind spending part of our leisure time.

There are experts who ensure that children who usually get tickled are more predisposed to face the surprise factor of everyday events, and they usually arrive when one least expects it.

How do you tickle yourself?

You already know that you can catch them by surprise on the sofa or the bed, and also that it is possible to distract them from the tedium that involves doing homework with caresses on the neck that end up with your son in arms laughing out loud.

They are worth tickling while playing on the floor, or 'betrayal' when they are sulking by a fight between friends. Sometimes they ask for and wait for them, but the surprise factor is also worth.

We usually play the 'tickle hiding place', the one who pays the bill and the others hide, the prize for being discovered is an intense session that can end all family members laughing non-stop.

But sometimes they are not welcome, and surely you know it well ...

They don't always arrive at the most appropriate time

And not always the children are equally predisposed, hasn't it happened to you that at some specific time your son has shown displeasure when receiving tickling? if they reject them, they sure have a good reason, is a signal for you to stop. Normally they are not usually well received when they are hungry, sleepy, very angry or tired ...

Although we tickle, we all have some part of the body where we don't like to receive them: the armpits, the feet ...

It is good for children to know that they can express their distaste, and that they understand that they have the right to refuse to tickle: these can be well accepted if they come from their parents or grandparents, but not everyone has the right to tickle children, if they don't want to. It is an intimate activity that is part of family relationships, and if this character is lost it can be uncomfortable.

Even to play tickle we must understand the limits: When the children shout asking us to stop, or cry, or their laughter is out of control, it is convenient that we stop.

And now, do you dare to tickle with your children? It is one of the most spontaneous, healthy and fun activities when we are at home (and also outside of it). It turns out that we do not need to buy or prepare anything to do it, and except for the situations we have mentioned, children are usually willing to tickle them. Let's remove complexes, rigors and tensions, and enjoy with our kids, do you dare?

Actually you don't give up anything when you do 'tickling' your children, your well-being and your satisfaction to observe their laughter, are above that TV program, the bills to be reviewed, the discomfort (your) because the dish is not over, and the WhatsApp without answering… or not?

Images | katrinket, MiikaS In Peques and More | Six pleasurable ways to end the day with children, Demonstrations of affection will help children build their self-esteem: they need our unconditional love

Video: Why Tickling Is Bad for Kids (July 2024).