Familyes Network is a television network on YouTube that offers #isFamilyFriendly content

We can say that Familyes Network It is a television network that uses YouTube as a support and dissemination mechanism and offers online children's guides, that is, educational content that the company qualifies as suitable for children's consumption. His proposal is suitable for an audience established in Spain and Latin America. The contents include videos about education (languages, sports, arts education), entertainment (children's stories, recipes), Health (pregnancy, pediatrics, psychology, dental and visual health), etc. Its technological platform qualifies the contents included in Familyes as isFamilyFriendly and allows YouTube and Google to identify it so that when we search for families we can find it available and suitable for consumption. Familyes is the first network of YouTube channels for the family and its main asset is the seal of quality that Familyes provides because its videos are suitable for all audiences.

He Familyes challenge is to be the recognized content aggregator and that many small producers offer your products accepting that they are placed under a brand that ensures traffic, that is advertising advertisers, that is, additional income.

The model is that if a television is built from the content that third parties make and pays them for it, the model is perfectly replicable and allows Familyes is a suitable umbrella for many non-professional users who use the video to spread their ideas, teachings or creations and who can earn extra income.

It is a model that tries to cover that universe of content in which producers such as the Khan Academy seem to leave little space although there are very good materials and the Internet is infinite, they may have a place in the scenario proposed by Familyes.

And, I dare to predict, that as time goes by they will perform content curation techniques and will aspire to offer high quality videos and perhaps paid modeling services.

The big question is if Spanish households will continue to access content broadcast on television and the two or three large companies that manage them in Spain. In my opinion the success of these channels will occur if the contents are used in classrooms, in spaces other than homes, workshops or meeting spaces, because on television in the living room, as long as we do not remove it from that altar, the star content will be the programs of maximum audience.

While Familyes starts up, I recommend all content generators to review their proposal especially for those who are YouTube users with original and quality content suitable for the family and who want to be part of the Familyes network.