'Fathers': a video that shows the role of men during childbirth, and the excitement of receiving the newborn

'Do you want to know what a father's love looks like? It all starts with the news of your partner's pregnancy: a stage full of illusions, uncertainty and much happiness.

From the first moment the role of parents is decisive, but Natasha Hance has chosen some of her images to create this video highlighting how they support moms during childbirth, and how they fall in love with the creature that has come into their lives. Natasha is a photographer specialized in what we know as 'Birth Photography'. The video images are beautiful and reflect the intensity of intimate moments in which the absolute protagonists are usually mothers and babies, but when the father is present with everything that implies, not only does the mother find her support, but the birth of a life created by both of them makes sense.

Parents who wait, and parents who hold their nerves to calm the women who are about to give birth; men who caress, massage, and are aware of every detail.

The prominence of natural births in the water is seen above all, although there are also photographs of hospitals: the restlessness in some moments, the first contact with the baby ...

It seems to be a tribute to the men who are present in the deliveries of their women, and when the labor ends, the emotion comes out through the pores and they also cry with happiness and celebrate the arrival of the new member.

Not to get lost are the glances that parents and babies exchange when the first take the second in their arms, because the newborn falls in love with his mother as soon as he is born, but how can he not feel love for that other person who hugs him with such love?

We cannot feel reflected in most of the images, but he recognizes his emotions when watching the video: my first birth was for a completely unnecessary caesarean section, the father had to wait outside the operating room and then had to settle for a few minutes with the contact through the glass of the neonatal ward (hospital practice in some places has changed since then, fortunately).

The second was also by caesarean section (involuntary, but at least respected) in another Hospital, a fabulous place that allowed the presence of the father in the operating room, so that he could accompany me, encourage and sustain ... on that occasion, in addition to putting the first diaper, had the privilege of accompanying the midwife to wash and weigh the creature, after the little mamara.

'Fathers', dedicated to them.