Safe foods to consume in summer if you are pregnant

We have already said that with a good diet we can better tolerate heat during pregnancy, but we must also take into account that we cannot risk getting sick because of what we eat, so, today we show you some safe foods to consume in summer if you are pregnant.

The first thing to keep in mind is that in summer, more than ever, we should eat fresh foods, with high water content and also, with varied vitamins and minerals in their composition as well as, with antioxidants that help us face the sun with health . And with these characteristics, some safe food to consume during pregnancy are:

  • Pasteurized milk or yogurt that through this last processing they have got rid of bacterial contaminants that can affect us, as well as can affect the fetus and newborn, as is the case of the Listeria that raw milk can possess. Dairy products will provide us with calcium, water and, in addition, they will satisfy us while offering vitamin A and D.
  • Bottled water What we know is suitable for human consumption and that will help us to hydrate properly, a key aspect to consider in summer and during pregnancy.
  • Cooked meat and fish, because cooking kills all types of microorganisms that can cause disease. These foods will offer quality protein, iron that is needed in greater amounts in pregnancy and potassium, an important mineral for muscles, heart and nervous system.
  • Well-sanitized fruits and vegetables that will offer water, fried and varied micronutrients as well as antioxidants, ideal to protect the skin from the sun, as well as to take care of our entire organism.
  • Pasteurized sauces and dressings and not homemade that may be made with uncooked ingredients, such as mayonnaise that contains raw eggs and may also contain unpasteurized milk.
  • Breads and whole grains In addition to containing more fiber and helping to avoid constipation during pregnancy, they are foods with little or no moisture, therefore they are not risky products to transmit bacteria or contaminants.

These foods will not only help you to nourish yourself with health during the pregnancy and in summer, they will also improve tolerance to high temperatures, and are safe food, which can hardly cause foodborne illness.

In pregnancy, more than ever, you should take care of your diet to better cope with the heat and also, you should stay away from possible diseases by choosing safe foods.

In Babies and More | 10 tips for healthy eating in pregnancy Image | Aleksandr Slyadnev and Raul Garcia Piñero