Avoid heavy digestions with the following tricks

With pregnancy and more bulky belly, it is common to have digestive discomfort, but if we add to that a change in the routine of the holidays, with different meals and changed schedules, the problems can be accentuated, so, today we leave some tricks to avoid heavy digestions in summer.

If you want to avoid heartburn, constipation, or gastrointestinal discomfort that is usually common during pregnancy, this summer you can apply the following tricks to prevent heavy digestion and, on the contrary, take care of digestive functioning:

  • Avoid large intakes, because the greater the volume that enters the stomach, the greater the work and the more risk of suffering discomfort. Try to eat moderate portions, about 4 to 6 times a day.
  • Keep regular eating times and avoid skipping meals or spend many hours without eating, because an empty stomach can also cause heartburn or nausea, while if you eat at regular times, your body will remain active and you can eat in moderate amounts at each meal.
  • Avoid spicy or sour foods such as those that contain spicy sauces, paprika, or too much lemon juice, which can accentuate the symptoms of acidity or irritation in the digestive tract.
  • Eat foods with fiber to prevent constipation and thus reduce heaviness and other discomfort. You can consume fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, yogurts or fermented milks, among others.
  • Moderate food intake with many fats and sugars, as these are more complex to digest, more irritating and can also accentuate acidity.
  • Chew well and eat slowly each food, since this favors the digestive process reducing the risk of discomfort.
  • Avoid stress at the time of eating and enjoy meals in a relaxed way, because the nervous system can also alter digestion.
  • Do regular physical activity at a mild intensity and appropriate to your pregnancy times, because exercise favors intestinal transit and also helps us avoid stress or nervousness.
  • Drink enough fluids, avoiding soda, coffee or carbonated drinks, which will not only help you hydrate this summer, but also, take care of the digestive process as well as avoid constipation.

Remember that while it is common to have digestive discomfort during pregnancy, a sharp change in schedules, environment and eating routines can affect you in the summer, so, apply the advice given above and you can avoid heavy digestions and enjoy a pleasant and healthy summer vacation.

Video: 10 Healthy Tips to Improve Your Digestive System (July 2024).