To the super with the children.

Some of the premises that experts say we must take into account when shopping at the supermarket are, for example, not going on an empty stomach, - as if it were so pleasant to go after eating -, take a list of all we need and not get out of it (as if it were so easy), review the offers and compare prices between different brands, - my mother goes to three different sites, of course she has all the time in the world - all of it in order not to shoot the supermarket costs.

Well, I will tell you that the previous experts have forgotten the best measure of all to save on the purchase and it is none other than go to the supermarket with children, and to be able to be with more than one. I assure you that within 5 minutes of entering, in the parking lot, you will want to return home.

Organize the logistics

We will assume for the proper functioning of the study that we are going with two children, well and because with more than two I can not even imagine how to get out of the box line alive. Suppose also that both are less than four years old and walk by themselves (if they do not walk the complicated thing is to carry the baby's basket and car and if they are older we leave it for another entry).

We arrived at the parking lot with our sprouts and we set out to locate a car. You don't have so much to buy and you think you don't need a car? That does not matter, the car in this situation is not to carry the shopping, well, it is but not as the main option. The car will serve us to take our children more or less controlled at all times.

Two in a car for one?

Well, we have the car with a seat, two shoots, three options and a budding fight.

Who sits in the seat? At this point you have to be a Solomon, carrying a point if you need to get on, or choose the suicide pack "I both walk".

For example, the option "two in the sack" it's fine if we go for a couple of unbreakable things like milk, cans, etc. Since it is normal that if you put for example some strawberries in the same cabin as them, when you reach the line of boxes do not know who has put the jam of red fruits in the car or breadcrumbs.

The third option is the one I apply, one goes in the seat and another goes from look-out on the bow of "pirate car" telling the rest when I see vegetables, fish, milk, etc. on the horizon. and in the middle of the journey the roles are exchanged.

Some examples you can find

Model I like to drive, with this we have to go very awake and develop our spatial capacity. It is said of the boy who goes with the arm extended as a driver of a certain famous brand of cars, throwing everything we put in front of him.

In certain places it is known as the "elephant in pottery" mode and forces us to take the car as far away from the "window" where the little one takes his hand. There is an advanced mode of this which is the option double, when one pulls out the arm on one side and the other pulls it out on the opposite side, sweeping 100% of the shelves. At this point it is best to go through the central aisle and enter the sides only one and running.

Model "home automation arm", this for saving is devastating. That child who, as soon as we neglect, decides to complete our shopping list with the first thing he has to force us to revisit the list in the line of boxes. How to detect it ?: ¿Compresas? But if I don't need them in two weeks. What do they paint here?

Model "home automation saver arm", is the anti-crisis version of the previous one and is produced when one of the two "empties" the car of everything that it considers superfluous. How to detect it? The third time you put broccoli in the car and in the next aisle it is gone, you should blow up all the alarms.

Model "kitchen robot", you put in the car the flour, eggs, sugar and when you get to the box line you have the prepared pastry dough.


Speed ​​is your friend, try to stop at least. Forget about reading labels, comparing products, queuing and nothing that your children stand up to get bored. The boring child combination - full supermarket cart is caustic.

In large areas there is usually a section of stories and books. Take one for each one, the size of those given for a half hour of "reading", when you finish the purchase you return them (watch them come back clear). Do not go too thick because you will not leave until they have finished.

Bread, cookies, chips, travel companions. I choose bread, which is the cheapest and healthiest. As you enter go directly to that section give them a piece of bread and so they will remain calm for a while.

Special cars worth mentioning

The cars with maxicosiThey come in handy when your baby can't sit and you have to make a big purchase. Carrying a basket and a car is relatively simple, depending on the chair model, but a super car and a chair is, let's say a bit complicated. So these things are appreciated. The problem is that there are not usually too many.

The mini-cars for children or light shopping, they are like a supermarket cart after being washed at 60 ° C. They serve both to make small purchases and for children to take them. Problem: they are very very scarce.

The car-cars, a car similar to the children's pedal that has a basket and an animal handling and traction system (that is, you push). Do you hit Scarce and limited capacity.

How are your visits to the super with the children? Do you handle yourself well?

Video: THE FLASH: SuperHero Kids Classics Compilation! (July 2024).