Why are babies born so wrinkled?

Do you want to know how your baby will be just after birth? Well do not put movies in which there is a birth, because those pink babies with some skunk that appear on TV do not have much to do with real babies (yes, okay, now they put a little whitish substance to give the I hit, but they are still very different from real babies).

The best way to know how will your baby be is to see a real birth or just wait to see yours, because babies are born wrinkled, bruised and looking a bit bleak, if you compare them to your expectations. In fact, many parents, who are the ones who see the birth live, come to wonder a "But my son is fine?".

But it looks like a grandfather!

Babies have magnificent skin, soft, smooth, without damage, ... however, nothing else is born does not seem so beautiful, because they are so wrinkled that they look like grandparents. This is normal (no, don't worry, your son is not Benjamin Button) because they have been in water for nine months, which is said soon. Well, it's not exactly water, it's the amniotic fluid, but try to put yourself nine months in a row, to see how you get out. Surely your hands and feet are so wrinkled that they end up hurting you.

Well, they are wet inside, but that is not all. As they have grown they have found their first limits, in this case physical, because the uterus ends up being small and the last weeks compressed, tight, with little space and little mobility and, consequently, worse appearance at birth.

Some babies are born with a bent ear (what glue they have at birth, in addition) or with plagiocephaly for having been pressed against the bones of the mother's pelvis, to give some examples of how tight they can be.

As they are also born with a rather bluish color, which turns pink when breathing for a while, the feeling of "oh my mother" is inevitable. He does not cry, it is wrinkled, blue ... it gives a bad feeling because, as we said, in the movies they are more beautiful. Luckily, they quickly breathe, maybe they cry a little, open their eyes, and there you start to calm down and fall in love.

And that white that has everywhere?

Babies are born (normally, because if they leave a little late they may not have it) with a layer of a whitish and greasy substance called cheesy vernix that used to go largely when they were bathed before dressing them but now, as they no longer bathe them , remains adding to the picture a strangest aspect.

And that hair?

It also happens that babies have lanugo, which is a Beautiful layer that covers your skin. "Great, now it looks like a hairy grandfather," some parents think, and that is that the lanugo is usually seen more by the arms and back, areas where hair only appears when one is an adult and not in all cases. As you may already know, they eventually fall out.

This is nature, You've had a baby that comes from the guts and there appearances don't matter. Wrinkled, blue, squeezed and smeared with something that looks like butter. This is how our human offspring come and they tell us that you just had a human baby, an animal, a baby, a little person who needs a lot of heat and a lot of love.

Video: Shocking Face Of Newborn Baby Who Looks 80-years-old (July 2024).