According to the OCU, the average annual expenditure per student next year will be 1,874 euros

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has conducted a survey of more than 1,000 parents with children of school age (3-18 years) to know What amount do you expect to spend during the next 2013-2014 school year?.

The parents who have responded have reported that the average expenditure per student will be 164 euros per month and that amount includes the school fee, the dining room, extracurricular activities, the transfer route and the excursions made in the school.

The differences occur depending on the type of center. So in public schools the amount is 109 euros per month, in the 209 euros arranged and in the 527 euros private.

In addition to the above expenses, other concepts must also be added, such as: textbooks, clothing, school supplies, tuition fees, insurance, parent associations, etc. so expenses can be raised up to 500 euros per year for students who go to private or concerted schools and 329 euros for those who go to public centers.

So finally, and according to the OCU, adding the monthly expenses and the annual fixed expenses each student will cost families:

  • 1,268 euros in public education
  • 2,386 euros in private private schools
  • 5,232 euros who go to a private center

It seems to me a very thick study in which a greater analysis of the costs by education is missing: child, primary, secondary, by geographical area and especially need to explain that although the costs of non-private education are lower that It does not mean that it does not cost or that it is free. These amounts are obtained from the general state budgets that are filled with our taxes or with our debt from which we learned a lot in 2012 with the almost familiar risk premium.

In any case as a reference and safe starting point that is valid and many fathers / mothers recognize in those amounts the one we dedicate so that our children learn and prepare to respond in the future.

In Actibva | Children's school: an investment for the future More information | OCU Image | dmmalva

Video: Celebrating OCU Educators (July 2024).