Soaps with toys inside to promote hygiene and cleanliness in Africa

Young and Rubicam South Africa is an advertising agency that has recently won the Cannes award for its campaign of Soap of Hope (Hope Soap). The campaign was recognized as a good use of guerrilla marketing (?) And for its message for Public Health.

And the Hope Soap campaign was created to promote hygiene among the little ones. For that they created a bar of soap with a toy inside that way the more you use the soap before you get to the toy. It seems to be the same idea as the Kinder Eggs or McDonalds Happy Meal, although this action has a different use because it is used in an environment where there is no welfare state.

The soaps are manufactured in striking and semi-transparent colors So the toy can be seen inside. The challenge is to encourage children to wash their hands to wear the tablet and get the prize.

I understand that the goal of the campaign, very original and full of attractions, is to make the hope soap because they estimate that it can reduce diseases by 70% among children who use it.

I imagine that one of the main obstacles to using soap is the lack or absence of water for washing. In any case, it is a great promotional action that has been rewarded in Cannes for its creativity and imagination.

Video: What should one do if soap gets inside eyes Can it lead to permanent damage? - Dr. Elankumaran P (July 2024).