Kokobaby: finally biodegradable disposable diapers

In Babies and more We have commented on more than one occasion that there is an alternative to the disposable diapers of a lifetime, the cloth diapers that, in the long run, if you do not abuse washings at a high temperature or the dryer, end up coming out cheaper than disposable diapers and that, in addition, do not have the disadvantage of disposables, which take between 400 and 500 years to degrade.

The problem (or not) is that the concept is different. The disposable ones you remove and the strips and those of cloth you have to wash and dry them, and some mothers and fathers consider more practical to use and throw away. Well, now we can finally buy biodegradable disposable diapers, for those parents who want to continue throwing diapers after using them but worry about the world in which they live.

It's about the Kokobaby disposable diapers (they also have a line of cloth diapers), made of bamboo, that degrade 100 times faster than normal ones, that is, in just five years.

Safe and soft materials

They are manufactured with safe materials for babies, not using chlorine or perfumes, making them hypoallergenic and equally absorbent diapers, having three layers of absorption.

Touch they are very soft (We have been able to prove them) and at the level of support there are no complaints, since they incorporate even a little elastic in the lower back, to (try to) avoid leaks through that area. They absorb odors well, although this is a little variable, because I have not smelled bad diapers that other parents have rejected for that reason and vice versa, I have left whole packages of some brands to smell like pee all day, when other parents explain not having suffered The same smells with those brands.

Five years to degrade

The most important aspect, besides being made of natural materials, is that they are biodegradable. In five years, according to the brand, the diaper is broken, and therefore ceases to be a contamination problem. Five years is many years, no doubt, but nothing compared to the 500 years that the disposables that we currently buy can take to take (I hope that within 500 years they have already got the cars to work by putting these diapers in the flow condenser tank , because we leave a few mountains of used diapers).


The only but, which is logical, is that the price is higher than the usual disposable diapers. It is normal, it is not the same to use economical plastic materials than to look for natural materials, also absorbent and that are also capable of degrading rapidly.

To exemplify, diapers size "L", which are the most commonly used, since they are for children from 9 to 18 kg, cost € 12.49 a package of 28 units at Amazon. This means that each diaper comes out at one 45 cents, when the Lidl Toujours that won the comparison made by the OCU in 2011 leave at about 15 cents each diaper.

The decision, therefore, will depend a lot on what are the priorities of the parents, whether to ensure the portfolio (which many have no other) or whether to ensure the planet.

Video: Johnny Changed a Diaper!!!!!! (July 2024).