The best diet for women who do not breastfeed (and for those who breastfeed)

After a woman gives birth to a baby, and in fact before she does too, she should try to maintain a balanced diet, consisting of healthy, quality foods and avoiding foods with too much sugar, because they are considered to have many calories for the few nutrients they provide.

This is the diet that could be recommended for women who have just had a baby and do not breastfeed, but also for those who decide to do so. In other words, The diet that is recommended for breastfeeding women is exactly the same as that recommended for women who do not breastfeed, and it is also the same that is recommended for the parents of the child, and for the grandparents, and for the grandmother, mother of the mother who breastfeeds, or mother-in-law, or mother of the husband of the woman who breastfeeds or does not.

But what a mess, right? Yes, it is a bit messy, but in the end it is very simple: women who breastfeed do not have to make a special diet, so I don't understand why there is so much information trying to explain what the new diet that a breastfeeding woman should take, as if she had to do I don't know how many sacrifices in terms of diet and limitations for deciding to breastfeed.

The recommended diet for everyone who lives and breathes

This literature of which I speak, or even the messages offered by pediatricians and other professionals, that say that of "mom, take care, eat well, that you are now breastfeeding," is logical, but can be counterproductive. They are told not to drink coke, not to drink alcohol, to eat healthy foods, not to abuse foods rich in mercury, that hydrates are whole, rather than refined, to take a couple of servings of dairy per day, but not more, because milk is another food, eat vegetables daily, if it can be more than once and having raw vegetables and eat fruit also daily.

The problem is that they are only told, to those who breastfeed, and to those who do not breastfeed, nobody says anything, as if they could give "bottle" and skip the diet, when they would have to eat exactly the same, for their own health.

Already, but of course, what the mother eats will live the son

Yes, I agree, that the breastfeeding mother has to eat healthy So, in short, your child will also eat healthy. That it is not the same to feed on normal food than junk food, but it is not necessary to go over with the recommendations in an exclusive plan, as if breastfeeding were something that forced you to say “no” in case of having a birthday party, “no "If they offer you an ice cream or" no "if you fancy a soda.

Nothing happens to babies, as a general rule (unless the baby is allergic or intolerant to something the mother eats), because a mother eats exactly how she ate before she got pregnant. No need to modify anything. Well, I lie nothing unless I drank alcohol before. It is the only thing you should stop drinking. Of the rest, can eat everything, quietly, just like a woman who gives a bottle. If it is advisable or not, I do not know ... you have to look at what you eat, and assess if it is the healthiest, just as anyone should check at some point in their life how healthy the diet is, in order Eat better.

A bit exaggerated, right?

I may seem a bit exaggerated insisting on the subject. It is possible ... is that it is so many times that I have heard professionals recommend an almost exclusive diet to breastfeeding mothers, and so many mothers who end up getting tired of eating perfectly well that in the end they consider stopping breastfeeding to eat again as before, that I touch the subject so that it is not a cause of abandonment of breastfeeding. A woman does not have to eat well so that her child is healthier or her milk is better. A woman you have to eat well because it is recommended for your health. No more no less.

Video: Women's Nutrition : How to Eat Healthy While Breastfeeding (July 2024).