Screen management in homes with children: do you have a plan?

“A healthy approach to the use of media (television, smartphones, laptops, tablets, in short, you know), should minimize possible health risks, and encourage those who are more positive. ” "It would be about promoting a healthy 'medium diet'."

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), offers guidance on how to limit the use that children and adolescents make of the means of communication that are within their reach

Children who spend three hours a day in front of the TV, 13-year-old teenagers who continue uploading content to their walls at two in the morning, 10-year-old kids who play video games for adults (and extremely violent content), schoolchildren Primary who go to friends' house to watch porn ..., the list could go on butthere are still those who believe that we should not supervise our children in the relationship with the media? Parents, educators and pediatricians should be involved in a education aimed at children knowing how to make decisions in their consumption of technology. Excessive use of the media has been associated with obesity, lack of sleep, problems at school, aggressiveness and other behavioral problems.

Technology is part of our lives, so what is the problem?

As it is to be supposed in this subject, two main problems are located: the amount of time spent in front of the screen, and the contents. It is true that the media themselves do not cause health problems in the United States (right?), Although they contribute as a risk factor. Perhaps the AAP refers to not causing any public health problem, because at the individual level, if there is a cause-effect relationship between (for example) the use of the Internet and addiction.

A recent American study shows that children eight to 10 years old spend about eight hours a day with different media (eight? And nobody is surprised about that?); while teenagers can lose up to 11 hours (I say losing because to look for class information, or talk a moment with friends, or read the tutorial to create their own blog, it doesn't take so many).

The fact of Having a television or computer connected to the network in the child's room helps to increase the risks, because boys and girls spend more time in front of the screens. What surprises me is that even today, according to what we know, we find so many children who have access to these measured in their own rooms.

Practical recommendations, or do we get involved?

To the parents:

  • Help your child to be more selective with the contents, and prioritize those that are healthier. Express your values ​​to the programs, games or results of Internet searches.

  • Plan the use of the media, include that it is not allowed to use the whatsapp during meals (since we are, do not have the phone on top), and that at a certain time in the afternoon "All screens are over".

  • Leisure time by screen must be less than two hours a day; Not being recommended for children under two years.

Deny in the round when the contents are clearly inadequate (do not tell me that we are not capable of this) Talk to your child about privacy and respect for the privacy of others when participating in Internet Social Networks

For pediatricians:

  • The AAP advises to include questions in the reviews of the healthy child, such as the daily time of use of screens, or if the child has a television / computer in the room.

  • They can work alongside schools to promote education in the media. Technology serves to learn, and in this sense innovations are encouraging, but rules about the content accessed in class should be established.

  • They must also (or can) challenge the entertainment industry, pressing for positive content to be created for children and adolescents. Advocating for regulation by strict standards about products that are marketed for minors.

The PPP, asks for a federal report that exposes what is known about the effects of media on young people, mechanisms are requested to finance research in this regard

Images | Jerine Lay, Lars Plougmann Via | APP In Peques and More | The debate about the effects of television on children's health is reopened. Do you want your short-term memory to work better? If the answer is yes, spend less time on the Internet

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