The climate of positive discipline in the classroom favors the good performance of the students

The OECD PISA in Focus magazine published a few months ago a review article on the influence of disciplined environments in class with academic results. The main result is that a disciplinary climate that encourages learning, in addition to interacting positively with good student performance, is able to mitigate the effects of a disadvantaged socioeconomic status.

In short, what is considered an environment of positive discipline, is perceived as pleasant as students, but also helps them in their progress. I imagine that it also implies a greater participation of the students, and an effort to adapt the methodologies to the needs of the students. I say the latter, because to achieve a certain order in the classrooms, and without taking into account other influential social factors, It is essential that boys and girls feel part of the learning. Because if they get bored, they lose interest; if they lose interest, the most daring will tend to distract, and others will follow. That is why motivation is super important, and it is a condition that cannot be supplied with subsequent sanctions.

And by writing this I remember the book rEDUvolution by María Acaso, in which the adaptation of the classrooms is indicated as part of their disruptive vision of education so that they are 'inhabited places', and therefore comfortable and inviting discovery. Do you remember when we met the Vittra schools in Sweden?

In my opinion, teachers must have minimums to be able to give the class in conditions, and families are partly responsible for the behavior of children in the classroom. The figure of the teacher is too important in the lives of our children, so that parents become confused and believe that they must perform functions of 'control'. And in many cases this is what we tend to do: teachers must go beyond their duties, because they want or don't want to have students whose emotional needs are not covered, or are too saturated with family problems that are unable to attend.

It seems that the disciplinary climate in both the classroom and the school influences learning, to the point that in schools with major discipline problems students have difficulty progressing. On the contrary: schools with positive disciplinary environments are associated with more performance, although these also have among their ranks more socially favored students. But yes: in case of co-inhabiting students from different backgrounds, a good environment helps them all.

Now we can reflect about how to get to those work environments in a non-coercive way and without the boys and girls losing interest in studies.

Video: Top 10 Reasons FINLAND Has the Worlds Best SCHOOL SYSTEM (July 2024).