Children and the healthy fondness of washing their hands

Handwashing It is a custom that must be instilled since children are young. It is easy to establish a routine, for example, when they get home, before eating, after going to the bathroom, when getting up or going to bed and of course after coughing or sneezing especially if the hand is used. And the simple act of washing your hands with soap reduces the incidence of diarrhea rates and acute respiratory infections. Although it really is a practice that prevents disease transmission.

Y the elders also have to set an example and wash our hands as many times as necessary, for example, after: going to the bathroom, cleaning and changing a baby's diapers, touching animals or being in contact with land, be careful with the land of playgrounds! And of course you have to wash them before preparing food or handling them.

To wash your hands you have to follow a routine that includes:

    • Rub the wrists too
    • Last at least Twenty seconds
    • Rinse and rub vigorously between the fingers, palms and the back of the hand
    • Rub also under the nails
    • Rinse well with water
    • Dry your hands well

    Because this simple gesture, which is also cheap because it only has expense of water, soap and towel and twenty secondsIt has a high impact on health and can save diseases such as diarrhea or especially acute respiratory infections such as bronchiolitis or the presence of parasites in the intestine.

    In the cold that invades Spain and to which we have offered many tips, prevention is the best medicine. As viruses are transmitted by air or by human contact it is important to protect against sneezing, coughing or contact with exposed areas and especially handwashing.

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