Triplets? who were born five years apart

These days I was surprised by inexplicable news: three children, conceived at the same time, who were born five years apart. Well, not so inexplicable, because science gives for that and much more.

Nicola and her husband tried to be parents for four years, nothing less, without achieving it. Apparently she suffered a peritonitis when she was 15 years old and the scar that remained from that process made it impossible for her to conceive naturally.

They then chose to go to a center where they could do an in vitro fertilization. In 2007 they tried, but pregnancy did not occur. A year later, in 2008, she managed to get pregnant. On this second occasion 8 ovules were fertilized. Six of them were saved and two were implanted in your uterus. Both came forward and the result of this pregnancy were born the twins Daniel and James, in November 2008.

The rest of the fertilized eggs remained waiting for the couple to decide to have another child, and that was how in February last year they returned to the clinic to try again. After a first attempt that did not work, the second, again, Nicola became pregnant. For both occasions the fertilization was done with a single embryo, since having twins already wanted to avoid having another partner again, preferring only one baby this time.

The mother explains it as follows:

It is impressive to think that my triplets were born five years apart. People don't believe it when I tell them that they were conceived at the same time ... Ellizabet was identical to the twins when they were born, they were like three drops of water.

But are they really triplets?

Well, the SAR says that a triplet is a "Born of a triple birth", and here there is no triple birth anywhere. Yes, eight ovules were fertilized at once, so in total they could have been octillizos, but of course, this fertilization was done in a laboratory, the result of science and, if thirty ovules had been fertilized, Would we have to talk about squatters?

Come on, which is a curious case due to the fact that the eggs were fertilized all at the same time and if they were implanted at the same time they would be the same age, when they take 5 years, but about that to talk about triplets, as the media is explaining, I see a stretch.

Via and Photo | Telecinco, DailyMail On Babies and more | Twins born in different years, Twins born on different days, months and years, They were born on the same day of the same mother but are not twins

Video: Triplets Born 5 Yrs Apart - Most Amazing Birth (July 2024).