Know with certainty that you are pregnant, even before the test confirms

It has happened to many women, and will continue to happen: know for sure that you are pregnant, even before a pregnancy test confirms it. Let's call it intuition, or rather recognition of the symptoms, since women who have been pregnant before are usually the most "seasoned" when it comes to recognizing pregnancy.

I do not speak therefore of the magical moment of conception, at the same moment in which the sperm fertilizes the ovule, and that in the movies is usually shown with triumphant music and fireworks. There are women who say yes, who knew it at the time, although I am more incredulous about it ...

I find it hard to believe that this tiny fact, which will be all the magic we want (in fact, it seems to me the most magical thing in our world), but that it is only the beginning of a long road to life, it shows in something in our body. Along the way, there will have been many fertilizations that did not take root and thousands of women have never been aware of it.

But after days and weeks, if there has been fertilization, the body begins to "talk to you": that if a strange smell here, tiredness there, a strange sensation here and there ... Yes, it is quite diffuse, but the body tells you that a new life is brewing inside you. And you know it even before taking the pregnancy test.

The symptoms are varied and change from one woman to another, but if you have already gone through a pregnancy it will be easier for you to recognize them. How many pregnancy tests have we saved the mothers with the arrival of the second baby ... We already knew that something was wrong, so why not go directly to the gynecologist?

If you have doubts, perform a pregnancy test to confirm it and if the news is confirmed you can start planning it better if you have not done it before, as well as request an appointment for the doctor.

Definitely, it is possible to know with certainty that you are pregnant even before performing any testsBut remember, this does not prevent you from going to the gynecologist to confirm that everything is going well, if the pregnancy is unique or more than one baby is coming. Because, for the moment, it is more complicated to "perceive" the number of occupants of our breast ...

Video: What Tests Should You Expect Throughout Pregnancy? (July 2024).