Newborn hair: how it is at birth and how it will be later

Although we try to imagine the appearance of our baby with a hair similar to that of parents, when it is born it will not resemble too much. In fact The hair with which the baby is born has little to do with the one he will have later himself or herself.

Your newborn baby can be completely bald or have a thick matte of hair, although most are in an intermediate point, with a soft and fine hair that partially covers the baby's head at birth.

Anyway, it is very possible that we do not know well how the hair is at birth since the vernix caseosa, that sebaceous substance that covers the newborn baby and that is usually removed abruptly, alters the appearance of the skin and hair of the child, next to remains of blood that may remain in the head.

In Babies and more When, how and why (or not) to cut the baby's hair

Baby's hair color

Regarding the color of the baby's hair, it will be determined by the genes inherited from the father and the mother, but at birth we may have doubts about where that hair will go.

This is because if the baby "changes" the hair will do so with the cells responsible for the hair color (melanocytes) more mature: that is why it can also change the color of the baby's eyes. How the prenatal hair with which it is born usually falls in the first months of life, new hair may vary in color and texture.

You may not notice too much hair loss and even if you see that in the crib the baby leaves fine hair every day, it does not get bald. This is because at the same time new hairs are already coming out.

Do not be afraid of the first haircut (be myths without any scientific basis), although this can wait if it is winter and cold or if you see the hair fall out. But it is perfectly possible to cut the baby's hair without causing any damage, it is not harmful to the child (nor does it bring special benefits).

The lanugo, body hair

Next to the hair, we can talk about another hairiness that covers the baby, the lanugo, a body hair that arises in the fetus from the 13 weeks of gestation and that is lost around the 40th week (so it is more frequent in children born prematurely and less in post-mature babies).

The thin lanugo usually covers shoulders, back, forehead and temples of full-term babies and often comes off after a week of life.

In short, we have to wait for the baby to see how your hair will look, but most likely this will change in the coming months. Then the hairstyle we want to do will depend on us and a few years later it will be their decision ...

Video: She Gives Birth To Baby Boy With Crazy Hair, Then Discovers The Alarming Truth (July 2024).