Space adventures so that children are a little calmer when testing

From now on when a child is transferred to these facilities to perform diagnostic radiology tests, it will become as if by magic in the protagonist of a space adventure.

That adventure will not last long, but recreation will help reduce the logical anxiety that is triggered when entering these places that besides strangers are quite strange for a child.

It is happening at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, whose leaders have carried out a collaborative initiative (with Hewlett Packard) to decorate various spaces of the Diagnostic Imaging service, in order to improve the children's experience.

The action has been possible thanks to the HP Latex technology developed in the R&D laboratory that HP has in Sant Cugat del Vallés. This technology allows to make applicable prints on all types of surfaces with infinite possibilities in the field of decoration.

In this way, the devices have become spaceships and the room that welcomes them in the space that awaits some small and brave astronauts who must make a painless trip but to which they feel some fear

Surely you remember this post where we presented the efforts of some North American and European hospitals to convert children's spaces for pediatric hospital care in places a little more friendly and appropriate to their public.

From now on, the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) joins this commitment.

Source | Sant Joan de Déu Hospital.

In Peques and More | Images of pediatric hospitals specially set for children

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