Sleepless nights, moms conversations

Every morning that I take my oldest daughter to daycare, I meet a couple of mothers who are in my same situation: completely exhausted.

Both have, in addition to the two-year-old boy or girl, a baby of a few months. Our topic of conversation is the same one every day, the "monothem," as we call the no sleep at night.

Our faces say it all. By greeting each morning just by looking at each other's faces we can guess if they had a bad night, a regular night or a good night, which means having slept at least four hours in a row, do not believe that the panacea.

If it is not one it is the other, or it is the one that awakens the other. We all agree that with the former the situation was somewhat more manageable; with two, if it is not one with mucus or cough, it is the small one with the teeth or with attack of “mamitis” at four in the morning.

This tune among mothers of little sleep has made us all three friends, that apart from the same few hours of sleep we share the same experiences and concerns.

As Elda said in her post of a stressed mother, our appearance of poorly asleep moms at 9 in the morning is deplorable, our looks have become a reason for morning jokes. We laugh at ourselves, which I think is definitely the healthiest thing we can do.

The three of us agree that it is a tired stage that at some point will pass and later we will remember with longing.

We hope that the friendship will last and that in the future we will laugh together at our terrible nights without sleep and in our mornings with a sleeping face.

Video: #Momsplaining with Kristen Bell: Sleep Deprivation with Melissa McCarthy (July 2024).