I am pregnant: What could hurt my baby?

The moment a woman becomes pregnant, something like a thousand two hundred doubts about what can and cannot be done during pregnancy.

One does not know if she can drink coffee, if she can take which or such medication, if she can exercise or if she can dye her hair, among other questions.

With this entry we will try to answer the most common questions to know what could harm a baby.

Drink alcohol while pregnant

Alcohol passes through the placenta and enters the baby's bloodstream, which can affect its development.

Ideally, avoid alcohol at least during the first trimester, when the baby's organs are forming (although if it is avoided throughout the pregnancy, the better).

Abundant and regular consumption (more than 14 units of alcohol per week) can cause mental and physical problems to the baby.

Touch cat feces and dirt

Coming into contact with animal feces or coming into contact with soil may cause toxoplasmosis, which could affect the baby with blindness, mental retardation and deafness.

The recommendations go through cooking the meat until no pink meat is seen (raw meat can also cause toxoplasmosis), wear gloves and wash your hands after doing gardening, wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly for the dirt that may remain, wash your hands very well after touching raw meat, fruits, vegetables and soil and not touching the feces of cats.

Dye your hair while pregnant

There are no studies about it and therefore It is difficult to say that dyeing your hair during pregnancy is not dangerous.

Dyes are chemical products composed of bleaching substances, solvents and dyes that sometimes contain lead.

These substances are toxic, however the human body practically does not absorb them when used to dye hair. Since very little is absorbed, it is almost impossible for them to cause any problems to the fetus.

Despite this, the recommendation is usually, by prevention, that pregnant women use natural dyes that do not contain ammonia and avoid dyeing during the first trimester.

Bathe in the pools, by chlorine

Many women go to the pools to do some swimming during pregnancy or as part of summer leisure. There is no reason to avoid swimming pools since chlorine does not seem to produce an increased risk in pregnancy.

Smoking in pregnancy

We have often talked about tobacco because of the danger it entails. Smoking or smoking passively reduces the oxygen and nutrients that pass to the baby Through the placenta It also increases the risk of bleeding, abortion or premature delivery. A few days ago we commented that it is related even to behavioral problems in children.

It is recommended that both the future mother and her partner stop smoking if they smoke.


Drinking more than 200 mg daily of caffeine can cause babies to be born with low weight. This amount is reached with two cups of coffee and therefore it is recommended not to exceed this amount.

If a woman is very coffee maker and is accustomed to drinking more coffee than recommended, you can try to substitute some of those that are taken with other alternatives.

Some food

In addition to what has been said about toxoplasmosis, you have to take into account some things about some foods.

Patents and unpasteurized dairy products such as fresh cheese may contain the listeria bacteria that can cause an abortion or that the baby is born dead.

The liver and liver pate are an important source of iron and until recently it was recommended to pregnant women for this reason, however they contain a large amount of vitamin A and an excess of vitamin A can cause birth defects.

Undercooked eggs and poultry may contain salmonella, which does not directly affect the baby, but causes fever, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration in the mother and can lead to an abortion.

The recommendation is to avoid these foods as well as raw meats, raw fish (sushi), liver and raw or partially cooked eggs.

Drugs and medications in pregnancy

All types of drugs and medications should be avoided, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, unless prescribed by a doctor.

In the case of drugs, let's look at the different effects they can produce:

  • Amphetamines make the weight of the born baby low.
  • Cannabis causes premature deliveries and there is a risk of chromosomal abnormality.
  • Cocaine causes premature births, placental hemorrhage and low birth weight.
  • Ecstasy can increase the risk of severe placental hemorrhages, as well as dehydrate the mother.
  • LSD causes birth defects.
  • Heroin and methadone cause low birth weight and premature birth. After delivery, the baby suffers from withdrawal, with an increased risk of seizures and sudden death.

Infectious diseases

Chickenpox, mumps and measles They could be harmful to the baby. Luckily, most women are vaccinated or have had these diseases.

The chickenpox It causes a serious lung infection or pneumonia in the mother if she gets it during pregnancy, although luckily it is unlikely to affect the baby.

The rubella It can cause serious malformations, but luckily most adults are vaccinated for rubella and it is difficult to get it. This disease can cause brain and heart damage, deafness, cataracts, etc.

He Genital herpes It could cause a serious infection in the baby after delivery. Herpes produces painful blisters inside and around the vagina. The risk of infection when herpes is recurrent is low. However, if the first outbreak in the mother appears during pregnancy and there are wounds at the time of delivery, a caesarean section may be suggested to prevent infection.

Intense physical activity

Moderate exercise during pregnancy does not harm the mother or the baby, in fact it is recommended. However, you should avoid any intense new activity as well as not lifting a lot of weight.

Stress in pregnancy

There is no evidence that stress is harmful to the baby, although it is best avoided to live a more pleasant pregnancy and reduce fatigue.

Microwave use

There is no evidence that it is harmful, so the microwave can be used normally.

X-rays while pregnant

During the first 13 weeks, X-rays can affect the development of the baby's main organs.

The only indication is that, in case you need an X-ray, tell the doctor and the radiologist that a baby is waiting.

Photos | Flickr (G u i d o), Flickr (jenaynay), Flickr (Photos by Lina)
In Babies and more | Mother's health before, during and after pregnancy, The ABC of healthy pregnancy

Video: I'm pregnant and keep vomiting. Will this hurt my baby? What can I do? (July 2024).