My baby falls asleep with the noise of the hair dryer

To tell the truth, until I saw it with my own eyes, I distrusted the effects of white noise enough to calm babies. Until I checked with my third daughter and I can say: my baby falls asleep with the noise of the hair dryer.

Suddenly, one day I dried my hair and she in her hammock came. The dryer at maximum power and she increasingly relaxed. I was still, the face without expression, the hands without tension, the calm look. After two or three minutes, and without a pacifier in the mouth, the eyes made "clin" and closed as if by magic.

It should be added that it was time for his morning nap, that is, to the relaxing effect of the noise of the dryer, he added that the girl's biological clock marked her moment of rest.

It has happened three or four times that he fell asleep and many others that he calmed down deeply when he heard the noise of the hair dryer. I have noticed that it also happens with the vacuum cleaner. Although it does not always happen, it is not like a switch that turns on and off. I imagine that it also influences the baby's tiredness, the time of day, the stimuli he has received that day, if there is something or someone who distracts him, etc.

It is not known for sure why this phenomenon occurs, but the truth is that many babies manage to relax with white noise and that many parents use it to sleep their children.

It is a constant noise like that of the dryer, the vacuum cleaner, the extractor of odors of the kitchen, the sound of the airplane, an open tap… It is related to the sound of the liquids flowing that the baby felt inside the maternal womb.

When I see my baby, it's like his brain goes into an alpha state in which the neuronal activity falls, sometimes remaining consciously and sometimes until entering the dream.

There are very curious videos about how babies close their eyes as if by magic when white noise comes into action. The one that surprised me the most with the rapidity with which the baby passes from one state to another was one of a child who slept next to an open tap, it looked like a puppet activated by threads. The tap opened, the baby fell asleep, the tap closed, the baby woke up.

Obviously white noise it doesn't work with all babies neither does everyone sleep with the music of the babysitters or by car. Some, like my baby, are more sensitive than others to this way of relaxing.

¿Your baby falls asleep with the noise of the dryer or some other form of white noise?

Video: Hairdryer White Noise. Calm a Crying Baby. 10 Hours Sleep Sound for Colicky Babies (July 2024).